Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home made Indian cheese - panir

Panir is a cheese used in vegetarian Indian dishes. Can be frozen easily for months.

1/2 gallon whole milk
1/4 cup white vinegar or lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt- optional


Boil the milk on med flame to avoid burning. Once the milk is boiling, add the vinegar and mix well. Next, the milk will start to curdle and separate from the whey water. The whey water should be very light yellow in color. If the milk is not curdled well (the liquid still looks white, not yellow water) add a teaspoon of vinegar at a time until you start seeing the water separating from the curdle. keep the flame on until the curd and whey water separate completely. Turn the heat off and let it all cool down little bit, 20-30 mins.
Strain through cheese cloth in a strainer. Tide the cheese cloth very tide around the panir and let the water drain  for about 4-5h. or over night.  Once the panir fills firm and the water is drained place something heavy on top of it and keep all in the fridge. The panir will be ready to cook the next day. You can freeze it as a whole piece or cut into cubes.
The salt may be added right after the panir is poured into the strainer and mixed in slowly with spoon or just hand.



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